
Boost your presence on Instagram with our 5 essential tips

Whether you're a passionate blogger, an innovative brand, or a talented service provider, Instagram offers fertile ground to boost your online presence. However, the question persists: How can you really leverage this popular platform effectively? Look no further. In this article, we present our five essential tips for success on Instagram. From choosing a central theme to staying relevant, follow these tips to optimize your profile, increase your visibility, and attract an engaged community.

1. Create engagement by choosing a central theme and its content pillars

Whether you're running a blog, a brand, or a service, you need to define a central theme, even if your business often determines it for you. 😅 BUT you have the freedom to communicate on particular aspects of your business in your own unique way. Defining your central theme is easy enough. Then you have to decide what you're going to talk about. The problems we often encounter when we want to be present on social networks:

  • "What to publish?" → Out of inspiration → we don't publish anything.
  • You spread yourself too thin → you want to publish on too many different subjects → you lose your audience.

To avoid these problems, content pillars will make your job easier!

Content pillars are the sub-themes on which you will communicate. They will become your guides for deciding which content to produce and which not. In concrete terms, every piece of content you want to publish must be associated with one of your pillars. Otherwise, it falls outside your objective. That's why it's important not to rush headlong into anything. Take the time to establish your content pillars in advance.

A "good content pillar" can cover a wide range of subjects that can be endlessly expanded. No more blank page syndrome! A subject can be treated in several different ways to achieve different objectives.

We recommend a method widely used in inbound marketing: TOFU, MOFU, BOFU!

  • TOFUTop of the funnel: The top of the funnel is the very beginning of your prospect's thought process. He's looking for general information → Publish informative, inspirational content, tips.
  • MOFUMiddle of the funnel: Your prospect now has all the information he needs. Now you need to demonstrate your expertise and how your company can help them solve their problem.
  • BOFUBottom of the funnel": BOFU content is a post that talks about your offer and invites people to convert. It's a post where you simply advertise!

As you can see, a content pillar comprises dozens of different topics. And each topic can be approached in different ways. I promise, with this technique you'll never run out of ideas again 😉

2. A clear profile also means a clear bio

Instagram bio of Duckmotion agency

Now that you've clearly defined your content pillars, it's time to communicate about them. As soon as someone arrives on your feed, they need to understand what you're offering, what your content is and why they should subscribe. Sounds obvious, but many brands neglect this simple aspect. The watchword is CLA-RTÉ!

You can now add several links to your profile. We advise you to add just one, which will redirect to all your platforms. You can create your own landing page easily with Linktree or Canva. On our landing page, for exampleWe have redirects to our website, our blog, our portfolio, our online diary, our jobs page and all our social networks. This page must be responsive (mobile-optimized) and reflect your brand image.

3. An authentic, well-defined brand image to win over customers

Let's talk about brand image. A vast subject, but it's the basis of everything!

Is your identity not clearly defined? Is your identity no longer representative of your brand?

🪞Your brand image reflects your business identity to the public. It's not a matter of chance, it must be the subject of deep reflection and what drove you to do your business: your why!

Start by creating your brand book and then apply it to all your communication media. Our agency can create your brand book for you, contact us !

4. Recurrence is the key to engagement:

Being recurrent on social networks is essential to maintaining a solid online presence and effectively engaging your audience. Regularly publishing content builds brand awareness, increases your followers' trust and keeps them interested. 👋 

By staying active on social networks, you're able to keep up with current trends, interact with your audience in real time, and respond quickly to their questions or concerns. Consistency in posting shows that you're dedicated to providing ongoing value to your followers, which can strengthen their loyalty to your brand. Ultimately, recurrence on social networks is an effective strategy for building lasting relationships with your online community and achieving your marketing goals. 🚀

The best way to keep up with the pace: plan posts in advance with an effective scheduling tool like SWELLO . It doesn't matter how many posts you publish per week, just pick one and keep up the pace. The important thing is regularity. There's no point in publishing 3 times in the first week and then not publishing anything for 2 weeks. Instead, spread out your posts and publish one a week. There's nothing to stop you gradually increasing the pace.

5. Relevance is the key to sustainability

Last but not least: If we don't know what to say, we abstain 🤣


Enough bullshit on social networks, let's be relevant to our community. Be generous and give them what they want. Isn't it said that our community is like us? Do yourself a favor, be authentic and don't sell them hot air, it can only work.🚀


Success on Instagram isn't just about accumulating followers. It's a long-term endeavor that requires strategic planning of your content, an optimized profile and a strong brand image. By applying these five indispensable tips, you'll have a solid and lasting digital presence. Having lots of followers is good. Engaged followers are better. Nobody wants phantom followers, right?
